
Grant Wood AEA math consultants' goal is to improve math achievement for all students within a strong MTSS system. Consultant support helps to build a school learning community engaged in studying and promoting growth in math while focusing on improving student achievement. Grant Wood AEA offers a variety of services in the area of math. Math consultants provide the following:

  • Consulting and coaching of evidence-based instructional approaches
  • Support in the development of a strong MTSS system within schools
  • Learning opportunities in effective instructional practices in mathematics
  • Facilitate the use of standards to drive instruction to ensure a guaranteed, viable curriculum
  • Data analysis and interpretation of screening, progress monitoring, summative and formative assessments
  • Assistance with curriculum development
  • Support for selecting instructional materials
  • Sharing of research and resources connected to current educational developments

Recommended Learning and Resources Grant Wood AEA Math Consultants can support your district in the following areas.

Learning Progressions Eight Effective Math Teaching Practices

  • Number Talks
  • Building Thinking Classrooms
Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematical Discussions Curricular Resource Review


Interwoven Supports

  • Ongoing professional learning or booster training.
  • Structured time to support reflection, collaboration and planning (Teacher teams and leadership)
  • Classroom modeling and debrief
  • Classroom observation and debrief

Contact your Grant Wood AEA Math consultant or Regional Administrator for additional assistance.