Administrative Solutions & Support
Grant Wood Area Education Agency offers management and support services to the districts and schools in its service area and around the state.
Computer Services
Grant Wood AEA provides support to districts with Infinite Campus or PowerSchool and has technological expertise to assist your district. Grant Wood AEA uniquely partners Digital Learning and IT services to provide districts the vision, integration and technology management that leads to success.
SubCentral Program
Grant Wood AEA houses the computer system that arranges substitutes for teachers. To sign up as a substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional/associate go to or scroll below to learn more.
Learn more on the SubCentral page.
CISM Team Resources
Grant Wood AEA's Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) team can assist your school in times of crisis or traumatic events.
These additional services also are available to districts in the Grant Wood AEA service area:
Substitute Assignments
Grant Wood AEA houses the computerized substitute assignment system utilized by the Alburnett, Anamosa, Cedar Rapids, Center Point- Urbana, Central City, College Community, Linn-Mar, Marion, Monticello, Mount Vernon, and Springville school districts, Xavier Catholic Schools, Summit Schools, and the Grant Wood AEA Off-site Programs.|
- To sign up as a substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional/associate go toÂ
- For assistance the SubCentral Help Desk is staffed between 7-11 a.m. on school days and can be reached at 319-399-6761 or
Universal Fund/E-Rate
Grant Wood AEA provides year round E-Rate support for AEA 10 schools and districts. Support for districts is available year round from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily for all E-Rate questions, assistance with applications, filing forms on-line, and other E-Rate issues. For additional assistance with E-Rate please contact Mike Kiely at (319) 399-6521 or
AEA Purchasing
The Iowa Educators Consortium (IEC) and the Iowa Association for Educational Purchasing (IAEP) cooperative food purchasing program have united to become AEA Purchasing! Iowa's Area Education Agencies launched a statewide cooperative purchasing program in 1999, and to date, these services have saved Iowa schools and non-profit educational organizations over $100 million.a